
Run target for multiple listed projects.


nx run-many

Install nx globally to invoke the command directly using nx, or use npx nx, yarn nx, or pnpm nx.


Test all projects:

nx run-many -t test

Test proj1 and proj2 in parallel:

nx run-many -t test -p proj1 proj2

Test proj1 and proj2 in parallel using 5 workers:

nx run-many -t test -p proj1 proj2 --parallel=5

Test proj1 and proj2 in sequence:

nx run-many -t test -p proj1 proj2 --parallel=false

Test all projects ending with *-app except excluded-app. Note: your shell may require you to escape the * like this: \*:

nx run-many -t test --projects=*-app --exclude excluded-app

Test all projects with tags starting with api-. Note: your shell may require you to escape the * like this: \*:

nx run-many -t test --projects=tag:api-*

Test all projects with a type:ui tag:

nx run-many -t test --projects=tag:type:ui

Test all projects with a type:feature or type:ui tag:

nx run-many -t test --projects=tag:type:feature,tag:type:ui

Run lint, test, and build targets for all projects. Requires Nx v15.4+:

nx run-many --targets=lint,test,build

Preview the task graph that Nx would run inside a webview:

nx run-many -t=build --graph

Save the task graph to a file:

nx run-many -t=build --graph=output.json

Print the task graph to the console:

nx run-many -t=build --graph=stdout


--allboolean[deprecated] run-many runs all targets on all projects in the workspace if no projects are provided. This option is no longer required. (Default: true)
--batchbooleanRun task(s) in batches for executors which support batches. (Default: false)
--configurationstringThis is the configuration to use when performing tasks on projects.
--excludestringExclude certain projects from being processed.
--excludeTaskDependenciesbooleanSkips running dependent tasks first. (Default: false)
--graphstringShow the task graph of the command. Pass a file path to save the graph data instead of viewing it in the browser. Pass "stdout" to print the results to the terminal.
--helpbooleanShow help.
--nxBailbooleanStop command execution after the first failed task. (Default: false)
--nxIgnoreCyclesbooleanIgnore cycles in the task graph. (Default: false)
--output-styledynamic, static, stream, stream-without-prefixesDefines how Nx emits outputs tasks logs. dynamic: use dynamic output life cycle, previous content is overwritten or modified as new outputs are added, display minimal logs by default, always show errors. This output format is recommended on your local development environments. static: uses static output life cycle, no previous content is rewritten or modified as new outputs are added. This output format is recommened for CI environments. stream: nx by default logs output to an internal output stream, enable this option to stream logs to stdout / stderr. stream-without-prefixes: nx prefixes the project name the target is running on, use this option remove the project name prefix from output.
--parallelstringMax number of parallel processes [default is 3].
--projectsstringProjects to run. (comma/space delimited project names and/or patterns).
--runnerstringThis is the name of the tasks runner configured in nx.json.
--skipNxCachebooleanRerun the tasks even when the results are available in the cache. (Default: false)
--skipSyncbooleanSkips running the sync generators associated with the tasks. (Default: false)
--targetsstringTasks to run for affected projects.
--verbosebooleanPrints additional information about the commands (e.g., stack traces).
--versionbooleanShow version number.